
The Purpose of These Papers

These papers have been written by those responsible for establishing the practical outworking of Biblical doctrine and wisdom for One Church Ministries. Although these papers are a result of much Biblical study and many years of Christian leadership, they are neither designed to be comprehensive, nor the final word on any given subject. However, we have endeavored to succinctly outline our practice based on our current understanding of the Scriptures. It is not suggested that these papers be substituted in any way for individual continued study of these subjects, but we pray that they will serve the churches in bringing clarity regarding our current understanding and the resulting practical outworking of our care.

Alcohol Guidelines

The purpose of this paper is to set out what we consider to be a reasonable approach to the issue of the consumption of alcohol, taking into account the direction and wisdom given to us in Scripture. In our responsibility for bringing practical care to the church, we want to provide what we consider to be helpful guidelines on this subject.

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Business in the Church

The purpose of this paper is to address the issue of utilizing relationships in the local church for the operation of commercial businesses. In particular, we will focus on the proliferation of ‘multi-level marketing’ (MLM) companies that have strategic goals which can lead (and have led) to sales infrastructures being built and marketplaces being created in the Church.

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Choosing Your Life Partner

Over the years, we have had the joy and privilege of working with a great number of singles. The purpose of this paper is to clarify our position and practice as a leadership in bringing counsel in the development of romantic relationships. Our aim is to communicate the clear, biblical instruction and practical wisdom that we have gleaned through years of leading those whom God has entrusted to our care.

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Divorce and Remarriage

In writing on divorce and remarriage, we understand that we are approaching a topic both sensitive and important. It is sensitive because it is such a personal subject. There is hardly a person alive today that has not been touched in some way by the pain of the disintegration of the covenant of marriage.

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Guidelines for Leading Meetings

We are told in 1 Corinthians 1:7, when Paul addresses the church in Corinth, that they lacked no spiritual gift, and yet he had much to say regarding how they were to practically function. It is much the same in our meetings; we typically experience a rich flow of spiritual gifts, and therefore require a substantial need for leadership and order.

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The Functional Authority of Scripture

One conviction that the Church has held in common throughout her history and development is the central role that Scripture performs in the life of each Christian and in the community of God. The statement of faith for most Christian churches contains, with subtle variations in wording, the bold declaration that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and authoritative for the Church in matters of life and doctrine.

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